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Monday, March 8, 2010

Water Polo C-div Nationals

It’s been long since last posted. Well, recently I am busy having water polo competitions. In Singapore, there are only 6 schools having water polo as a form of Co-Curriculum Activity and most of them, in fact all of them are boys schools. You may wonder why a mix school doesn’t have water polo. To be true, I also don’t know why. Maybe you can find and tell me why! 

The school national is help once in year. Instead of just looking at the scores and the results, it is also a good time to see how far we fair by having matches with other schools. Well of course, many still sees the results as the number one factor. As usual, it is held at Anglo-Chinese Independent School.

The competition starts officially on 2nd March 2010 for the C-division 14 years-old and below). Our first match was against Anglo-Chinese Independent School (ACSI) was one of the crucial match for Hwa Chong as ACSI is a strong team with a batch fast swimmer. But despite the fact that they were very strong, we put up a good fight by closing the match with a score of 8(ACSI)-3(HCI). Well, the teachers and the coach were quite satisfied with the results as they know that we really played well.

Even though we lost the match, but we still had another chance to go to the finals. That’s because there is total of 6 teams in Singapore. Every team has to play against another, once, or twice. Every match won, three points will be awarded. Thus, we can afford to only lose one match if we want to play the finals.

Until now, we played 4 matches, including the ACSI match. The score is as follow …
HCI v ACS Ind (C div) 3-8
HCI v ACSBR (C div) 11-3
HCI v OSS (C div) 15-0
HCI v RI (C div) 13-5

Keen to know more? You can visit the website at

As you can see from above, we manage to win every match except for the ACSI match. The last match will be against San Andrews (SAINTS)before going into the finals. Our team is confident in winning the San Andrews match and we are now all excited to play the finals, against ACSI. Looking at the situation now, you may think that we will get at most a 2nd position. But I can tell you, with the Hwa Chong spirit, the polo team spirit, I, or instead the team, believe that we will try our very best to beat ACSI and secure the 1st position. We believe that we can make it. We believe that miracles do happen.

1 comment:

Lee Chin Ann said...

Good Luck in your upcoming competitions! I love the spirit that the water polo team has, maybe i should try to imply it in our squash team.

Our squash had a similar case to you, as ACSI have a batch of fast squashers too and always have no problem beating our school.

This year, we hope to try to maintain our 2nd or maybe 1st with the Farfield Methodist coming out strong too.

Good luck in the upcoming competitions everyone.